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FaZe Clan CS:GO Is Seriously Weird But Funny?

Sometimes there's more to the scene which our eyes see. Be it In-Game or on social media FaZe Clan members be all supportive and cute towards each others and we didn't even saw it but they had all those friendly rivalries going on behind the scenes.
Most important one being the rain and olof and it's seriously hilarious. lemme show what i am talking about. When you're in a team and working as a cooperative towards a goal and win a tournaments and being a E-Sports it takes lots of hard work than our eyes sees. As pro players play like 12-15 hours+ daily and even during several tournaments they have to play like 10+ hours in an arena.
So little humour inside the game and joking each other around is not at all a bad thing least to say.

Today I'm Gonna Show You Several Funny Name History For These FaZe Clan Members.

1. FaZe Guardian 

Okay! Where should i start shrimpy..woah and looks like he has special fascination for small penis that's all okay it's 2017 everyone has choices. but what about Hey Bitch, how much? like seriously it could mean so much different things.. lol and others are like csgo insider jokes like cute 1 taps, carrying etc. likes seriously good guardian. Steam

2. FaZe NiKo

He's like most innocent one in the team maybe cause of the fact that he is the youngest and gets pushed around team but i am just guessing..Names like ASD, and simply message to his teammates that he will not change his name. and name NiKoLiNh0 which he used against Tyloo Gaming maybe just to troll them and his over used juan joke cause he loves deagle. And also ray donovan and his ability to fuck shit up.. Steam

3. FaZe karrigan

Looks like we found meme king in FaZe Clan, with names like i love big penis, gucci gang and karrigan"10" he is least the best one yet but wait for it best our yet to come. other smaller emoji memes also makes appearances Steam

Now For The Next Two I Don't Know What's Happening But They Seem To Have A Cute Friendly Rivalry Here...

2. FaZe rain

Okay Should We Talk About His Current Name? Maybe let's leave this one here.. but seriously other names like omg. ass joke, racist joke, and my favourite one olofmeister? its and other things like my team is baiting are just legendary. (P.S. BTW those racist jokes aren't not to be taken out of context you don't know what was going on there) Steam

1. FaZe olofmeister

Olle My Favourite Irish Guy..Lmao seriously he is a legend in my eyes and didn't expecting this from him least not illuminati...lmao and roasting rain like that Rain? More Like Bait...Dude I Just Love This Team... Steam


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