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Are Too Many Tournaments Ruining Fun Of CS:GO?

Let me be clear first of all, i not trying to ruin your personal decision to go and attend/watch every csgo tournament at all but personally i feel this that when it's hard for a person like me to keep track of all these tournaments as an analyst what will you be going through and not even fans imagine what will the players and coaches would be feeling towards everything maybe that's the reason why players like n0thing & shroud left competitive csgo as stress was lot to take in than the glory. And not even stress imagine flying 5-12 hours to attend a event in different country and losing the first match and getting sent back home the next day.

Hectic Schedule Of  2018 

Wow, There are registered 18 tournaments to took place in first month of January.  Don't let that bother you i know some are regional and some are just qualifiers but think from the point of top tier teams they least are expected to participate in 3-4 tournament in the first month of the new year and don't even understate that their is a Major in the first month of the year.

A lot is on the line for the teams,players and even fans even in the first month. For teams it's to prove themselves and to players it's like to not be kicked from team and be able to prove their worth and for fans to tackle all this stress and keep track of everything going on this time.

Sometimes i really feel bad for the pro players that never get their share of respect in the art they perform. Most of these guys gave their 14-16 hours of their day to their game and then perform and at risk of their health and everything and still media portray them as some kind of overconfident unworthy pricks because i know their are big prize money on the line but when you equate everything their lifestyle,their skills, their dedication, and everyday stress they endure think big prize money is nothing but just their pocket change.

Not to mention that still several professional players who are good at sport are still not even barely make out financially because you can't win every game you participate and several other reasons like travelling and stress they endure.

Stress In Competitive Gaming Is Too Much.

The players who very at top during CS 1.6 are gone or are soon to fade away even if you take a look at the champions of last year Astralis are going through a rough patch as several players are suffering from health problems and stress. Even teams like and NiP who were considered legends at one time are barely making out of 2017 financially and emotionally.

My Final Message To Everyone In Professional Scene Just Would Be To Give A Little Laid Back Time To Players And Redefine A Whole Yearly Schedule For The Competitive Professional Scene So Least Everyone Can Plan Accordingly And Least Take Care Of Their Necessities. 


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