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Why E-Sports In India Might Never Grow Or Can They?

"Global eSports has been constantly evolving in the past few years as more sponsors and people in general have started taking interest. However the evolution of Indian eSports scene has been at a much slower pace. ESL India is all set for massive changes with a yearlong eSports Championship The ESL India Premiership” bringing you the best of eSports.

It will set the benchmark in the quality of entertainment for future eSports events, something you have experienced only on mainstream entertainment."

Simply this is their bio on their facebook page, Likes seriously let me breakdown everything for you first of all : 
  • We're in 2017 and They are using Facebook for livestream, not and not even Youtube.
  • "Slower Pace" lemme explain this basically without any funding by valve and big brands in indian esports how can they expect anything to develop also not to mention they were too late and it just appear as they are trying to earn lil extra cash at this moment.
  • Prize money i won't say it's less as an indian it seriously enough for a team but things should be kept in mind that lack of cs go tournaments around india for that matter like being in capital i have just heard about max 3.
  • Lack of knowledge of Esports among indian adults or even youth.
For More Let's Take A Small Look At Bigger Problems.

1. Indian/Asian Mindset

The lack of knowledge among adults and youth about alternate career paths in this 21st century is the real reason why no KennyS was ever born in india, also generally the understanding between parents and children isn't that par to be concerned at all. It's like be a doctor or you're a disappointment to the family.

2. Lack Of Investment

You see investments and sponsorships directly leads to the prize money into esports and cs go for that matter the more the money, more the matches, more the fans, more the game sales but looks like valve doesn't give a shit. ESL is trying for that matter but seriously i don't know if anything is happening for that matter.

3. Lack Of Role Models

Ask any kid or person who plays csgo in india about their favourite players, most of them will answer KennyS or else. Matter of fact nobody even knows the name of indian pro cs go players in community and reasons are because nobody gives a shit as they fucking stream on
Simply there is a community, there are players but there is no recognition among anybody to anyone as they're like nobody.

4. Streaming.

Okay, i have been following pro cs go for like 4 years and only indian pro cs go match i ever saw on stream was NiP Vs Team Wolf which i will talk about later and only indian live game i saw was in IGN 2016 in delhi but seriously where does all the csgo indian premier tournaments are?? You ask? they are on !! like seriously we're in 2017 fucking least use youtube live esl?

5. Team "Fuckin" Wolf

I just have nothing but hatred for this team if you were not ready to go to the major don't be a fucking tourist and go their without having any idea what you are getting into, like seriously. Being the fuckin tourist and not a pro cs player that they are they went into ESL One Cologne 2014 and lose to Nip and HellRaisers quickly and gets eliminated making fool of indian esports in cs community.

FUTURE? AKA Team Brutality

Only Thing that can make everything alright will possibly be a good sponsorships towards team brutality as they're only team i see with some potential in indian cs go. and also if ESL India realises that their 2010 ways to promoting tournaments and streaming doesn't work in 2017.. FOR FUCKS SAKE.

(P.S. Sorry if i am rude to any team but being an indian myself and seeing lack of competition in pro cs go by indians it just came out sorry if i hurt anyone's feeling but seriously changes are required..)


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