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Vega Squadron have beaten Renegades 16-14 on Mirage at the ELEAGUE Major Main Qualifier.
The first match at the ELEAGUE Major 2018 Main Qualifier was between Vega Squadron and Renegades who squared off on Mirage. The Russian team started on the CT-side and won the first two rounds.

Renegades' early weapon buy in the third round worked out for the Australians who got their first round (2-1). Even though Renegades took the lead, Vega Squadron's respond was swift as they tied the game at 3-3.

Dmitriy "jR" Chervak's triple kill in the following round gave the lead back to Vega Squadron (4-3). When the score was 8-4 in the Russian team's favor, Noah "Nifty" Francis clutched a 1vs2, giving Renegades their fifth round. Vega Squadron won the first half 10-5.

The Russians took the A-site to win the second half pistol round but Renegades replied in the following round (11-6). However, Vega Squadron managed to extend their lead and earned six match points (15-9). Even though the Russians struggled, they eventually closed it out 16-14 to win their first game at the ELEAGUE Major Main Qualifier.

PERSONAL MESSAGE : "Well I Don't Want To Do This But I'm a 19 Year Old College Student From Back In India And Being A College Student Am Broke Af If You Guys Can Help Me With A Little Donation Of Any CS:GO Items Until Set up My Paypal it would be really appreciated and also with every 1$ + Donation You Will Get A Shoutout On This Blog. Steam Trade Link Will Be Down But Please Only Donate If You Like My Work And Appreciate My Work. I Really Don't Want To Do This But I Really Have To Support Myself & As I Swear To Never Put Adverts On This Blog So Any Help Will Be Appreciated By The Way You Can Add Me As A Friend If You Wanna Play Sometimes. Please Support The Blog"



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